Weight Loss, Fat Loss, Lose Body Fat
Why am I fat? You're looking for weight loss tips, fat loss advice, ways to trim the excess body fat. Cool. You are fat because you take in more food than you can use, and the extra has to go somewhere. Weight Loss, Fat Loss, Lose Body Fat I've heard that. I want the real reason. That is the real reason. If you want to lie to yourself, you probably don't want to be here. Go someplace where they'll happily tell you that you have "a glandular problem" (you do, you're stuffing in more calories than your glands can handle, but that's not what you meant), and they'll also happily sell you a magic pill to: make the extra calories just go away or, trick your body to not absorb all the extra you eat and drink Yeah! One of those! Sorry. No magic here. No pills. Weight loss stops when you either cut your intake or increase your output ... and we don't mean how much you crap. We mean how much you exert. Exert? EXERT? You mean, like... (gasp) Exercise? Yup...